Please give what you can. If you can’t give please consider Volunteering

Send checks to SVdP Light of Christ

2176 Marilyn St, Clearwater, FL 33765

Aid given to persons over 55

There was 185 cases

Also there was 10 Children

Who is Eligible:

Aid is available to all who live in our Parish Boundaries.

Who call us with Past Due Utility or Rent/Mortgage. Or need help with Food, Meds, Furniture and Gas

Where your donations go

In 2021 we paid 370 past due bills and served 733 people including 184 children. $86,799.00 was given in aid the following ways:

Electricity Bills $40,508.00

Water Bills 9,486.00

Rent $26,348.00

Temp. Motel $3,008.00

Furniture $5,086.00

Medicine $119.00

Groceries $294.00

Christmas Gift Cards $300.00

Misc. $1,651.00

Also a Special Thank You toSenior Citizens Services for Aid given through Grants.

Please Note, 100% of Your Donation is used for the Needy